Detecting early risk for support


Signs of a delay in the language development, learning difficulties, hyperactivity symptoms, attention deficit as well as bullying incidents and low school attendance. If detected and addressed on time and in the right way, might prevent more complex difficulties having this origin later on.

This chapter shall give some further theoretical input as well as practical activities addressing some of the risks detected. All of the proposed activities can be implemented with children in a fast, easy and low-cost way.

 Related training contents


Delays in language development


Learning difficulties, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder


School disengagement and early school leaving



 Learning Objectives

  • To detect and analyse delays in language development
  • To detect and analyse learning difficulties, hyperactivity, and attention deficit
  • To detect and analyse school disengagement and early school leaving
  • To do preventive actions against bullying, prejudices, and to strengthen the team-work


  • I do pay attention to risk signs
  • I have patience with children and parents
  • I consult an expert in case of any sign detected
  • I share the knowledge with my colleagues
  • I keep contact with the parents

 References/further reading